East Bank of Reservoir Workers pour cement on east bank of reservoir, September 1913. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Dam Crest Low angle photo from the top of the Altona Dam wall looking east before the wall turns north. From: Book […]
West End of Altona Dam View of west end of Altona Dam, September 1913. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Construction on the buttresses near the spillway outlet Construction on the buttresses near the spillway outletFrom: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Looking Southeast from Cobblestone Hill Looking southeast from Cobblestone Hill. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Workers Prepare Buttresses for Backfilling Workers install planks to prepare for backfilling the buttresses. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Workers Excavate Soil near the Base of the Dam Wall Workers excavate soil base of the dam wall. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2
Excavating Near the Base of the Wall Excavating near the base of the wall. From: Book 14- Altona Dam Vol. 2