Harmony Hall

If you were fortunate enough to be a guest of the Miners, you might stay in one of the eight bedrooms in Heart’s Delight Cottage, which of course meant you had your own private bath. Later, a guest house was built to accommodate a large number of visitors. Called Harmony Hall, the cottage was located 250 feet beyond Heart’s
Delight Cottage. It contained an elevator and an auditorium that could seat 300, complete with a stage, Welte philharmonic pipe organ, and dressing rooms. The Miners hosted a Christmas party here each year for the children of their employees. The third and fourth floors of Harmony Hall were identical, each containing 10 bedrooms with private baths and a central lounge and kitchen area for the convenience of the guests.
Harmony Hall was removed during farm consolidation in the 1960s.
Heart of the Farm Heart’s Delight Farm Hustle and Bustle on the Farm
The Stone Entrance Gate Heart’s Delight Cottage Harmony Hall
The Farm Office Heart’s Delight Gardens Philosophy Amidst Nature