The Stone Entrance Gate

Farm buildings were erected quickly, usually six to ten large structures per year. Passing by the stone gate entrance in 1906, a person would have seen the dairy barns being built to the
right of the gates, two piggeries straight ahead, and the coach and big barns on the left. Hidden behind the right stone gate is the storehouse, our present Heritage Exhibit. Driving to the left past the Coach Barns, visitors would find the Miners’ residence, Heart’s Delight Cottage. To the right was the main farm complex. Several years later a separate entrance was built for farm business and these gates led only to the Miners’ home. The plaques adorning the gates today are the same ones placed in 1915.
In 1908, after five years of intense construction, the farm complex had become immense. This large cluster of buildings comprised the core of the farm. The road lying straight along the edge of the farm buildings is the Chazy-Sciota Road after it had been moved at Mr. Miner’s request.
The old route can still be seen when standing just outside the gates and looking west. A few years later, Mr. Miner requested that the highway be moved further south so that it passed behind Happy Hours Cottage. It is now known as the Miner Farm Road.
Heart of the Farm Heart’s Delight Farm Hustle and Bustle on the Farm
The Stone Entrance Gate Heart’s Delight Cottage Harmony Hall
The Farm Office Heart’s Delight Gardens Philosophy Amidst Nature